'Brixton Centric' regeneration scheme up for two awards
A huge regeneration project that has transformed a south London borough has been shortlisted for two major industry awards.
The 'Brixton Centric' scheme has been shortlisted for two prestigious Sunday Times British Homes Awards.
The project, for Muse Developments, was designed by architects Cartwright Pickard while chapmanbdsp provided the MEP, Fire, Energy and Sustainability consultancy services for the scheme.
The mixed-use development, in the centre of Brixton, includes 94 new apartments and the restoration of the historic art-deco Ivor House into 26 homes.
The town hall was built in 1906 and the refurbishment project allowed the council to consolidate staff into two offices from 14, saving it £4.5m a year and cutting its carbon footprint by a third.
Key sustainability measures designed by chapmanbdsp, a building services consultancy appointed as MEP and environmental consultant, helped Lambeth Council exceed its sustainable ‘BREEAM’ goals.
BREEAM, one of the world’s leading sustainability assessment method for buildings, promotes the well-being of people who work in them as well as the environment. Both the town hall and civic centre achieved a BREEAM ‘excellent’ rating.
Solutions included an energy centre and a 140m2 biodiverse green roof, which houses more than 30 difference plant species of native wildflower species and acts as a foraging resource for invertebrates and birds like the black redstart, which was in danger of dying-out in the local area.